So now you can quickly find all repeated values in spreadsheet columns or rows by including absolute cell references within the COUNTIF function. It highlights that 45 duplicates three times and that 252 duplicates twice within the selected range. That copies the function to all the other cells as shown directly below.Ĭolumn B in the shot above now effectively counts all the values within the range A2:A7. Select B2 then left click the bottom-right corner and drag it down to B7. Now you need to copy the function to all the cells below it down to B7.Cell B2 will return the value 3 as shown below.Input $A2 in the Criteria box and press OK to add the function to the spreadsheet.Click the fx button and select to open the COUNTIF Function Arguments window.In the Combine Rows Based on Column dialog box, click the column name that you want to remove. Then click Kutools > Merge & Split > Advanced Combine Rows, see screenshot: 3.

Select the data range that you want to remove duplicates and keep the most recent date from another column. It's a bit more effort but it uses only Loops and Arrays, which are supported by Excel for Mac as far as I know. For example you could Loop through the values, write them in an Array, compare them and delete those values which are mentioned twice. Click cell B2 on your own Excel spreadsheet. After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as follows: 1. Maybe it is a good idea to use very Basic coding only, without specific vba elements.However, the function requires an absolute cell reference for the entire column you need to count all the duplicates in. You can also do that with the COUNTIF function.

Some Excel users might need to count all the duplicate values or items within a spreadsheet column. Count All Duplicate Values Within a Column or Row For example, to include a range of cells in Sheet 3, the function would be something like: =COUNTIF(A2:A7,45)+COUNTIF(Sheet3!C3:C8,252). That would require modifying the required cell ranges so that they include a sheet reference, such as Sheet2! Or Sheet3!, in the cell reference. The function can also count values in cell ranges across multiple Excel spreadsheets.